Graduate Program for Lifestyle Revolution based on Transdisciplinary Mobility Innovation


TMI autonomous mobile robot demonstration experiment was conducted.

The following experiments were conducted to identify issues that arise when multiple autonomous mobile robots operate in a real environment, and to obtain data for research.

About experiment

Date Mar. 23 2021 to  Mar. 26 2021
Purpose Basic research of Multi robot coordination / Environment revognition / To solve robot congestion 
Measured data

Camera image, Lidar point clouds, and other onboard sensors
Measured data is used for the research following the privacy protection policies. 

Measurement method Onboard camera and Lidar, Camera set in the rnvironment, and other onboard sensors
Location NIC 1F, 2F in Nagoya Univ. Motoyama campus
(Resercher attends as the operator)


Experiment director : Nobuo Kawaguchi, Prof., with Institutes of Innovation for Future Society
TEL : 052-788-6114
Email: tmi [ at ]


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